Friday, 15 April 2016

George's Marvellous Medicine

George's Marvellous Medicine

Author: Roald Dahl

Genre: Fantasy

This book is about a eight year old boy named George. His mother would often go out of the house which meant that George had to stay with his wicked grandmother. “ Now George, don’t get up to mischief and don’t annoy your grandmother. Oh and one more thing, don’t forget to give granny her medicine at 11 o'clock. ” His mother said before leaving. “ Yes mum don’t worry, I won’t forget ” George responded. George didn't like staying with his grandmother but he didn't have a choice. His grandmother was a short, wicked, stone hearted kind of lady. She wasn't like other grandmother's. In fact she was the opposite of other grandmother’s. Instead of playing games with George or spending time with him she would just sit in her rocking chair all day long. One day she told George to stop growing up so fast. George was confused and told her that everybody grows, it’s natural. His grandmother had other thoughts. She said that growing up was a bad thing and to avoid it you should eat, cabbage white caterpillars on them, lettuce with slugs on them and to eat less chocolate. George was completely grossed out so he decided to put an end to her nonsense once and for all. He came up with the idea to make her a special medicine that would make his grandmother a nicer person. The ingredients were crazy and I mean crazy. From jumping fleas to poisonous bumblebee’s, the juice of the fruit of the jujube tree and even a powered bone of a wombat's knee.  George put all of these ingredients into a pot and boiled the living souls out of them. Will he be able to give the medicine to his grandmother, will she become a nicer person because of the medicine.

I rate this book a 8/10
I liked the book because it was short and easy to read.

I recommend this book to people who like fun and drama kind of stories :)

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