Genre - Action & Adventure
Dragons, also known as ancients, are being reborn into the world, living in the mountains of the north. The prophecy foretells that an elf would bring peace and kill the dragon…. But elfs left long ago. Baron Samedi is the creator of the ancients, he is a god who wants to resurrect the dragons into existence so that he can become the most powerful god. But standing in his way, is a young mask wearer who has only just received the mask of fire including water. Amos Daragon is his name, with his friend Beorf; a beorite who can change into a bear and back into a man.
They lived in Great Bratel living with the king and friend, Junos. Junos used to be one of the knights of balance, but became king soon later. While Amos was getting used to his fire powers, an army of red caps (goblins) had attacked the castle and town. Pillaging and slaughtering many innocent people. Amos was so enraged that he lost control and burnt down everything. The two friends Amos and Beorf end up going to the Forest of Tarkasis where the queen, Gwenfadrilla, had given them magical elf like ears to understand any language.
Now the mask wearer and the beorite head to the north to find the dragon Ragnarok, who is to be the one to bring dragons into the world. A beorite village is found on the way, where Beorf meets his family who fight alongside them to kill the Red Caps. But they also meet vikings, flesh eating mermen, and a powerful spirit. Can the two clans, vikings and manbears team up to restore balance? Or will the race of fire breathing lizards be released into the world? Only you can find out in the third series of the Amos Daragon chronicles.
I liked this book because it’s full of action and beasts you can only hear in a story tale.
I don’t really have any dislikes.
Rate - 5 / 5
Wow Tyrone that book sounds amazing. You structured it out and made it into proper paragraphs and your writing wants me to really read this book. Good work.