Title: Once
Author: Morris Gleitzman
Genre: Fiction
This book is based on a true story about a jewish boy named felix who gets sent to an orphanage by his parents who are jewish book writers. One day he thought his parents sent him a sign that they are still alive so he set a quest to try and find them and one night he came across a burning building with 2 adults on the ground dead it looked like they had been shot. After exploring a bit more he found a little girl named Zelda so he took her with him on his journey. When they woke up the next morning a nazie solder was holding a maciane gun at their heads and they were made to joine the rest of the jews that were walking with the soldiers right behind them they were going to the city. After many hours of walking they got there and a man named barney quickly took them before the soldiers could grab them barney took them to a place where there was many other jews they stayed there for a few nights untill the nazies found them they took everyone on a big train and they were being taken to a death camp. But felix only just managed to escape through a rotted hole in the wall. he was lying on the empty field and finally realised that his parents were killed by the nazies.
1 rate this book a 5/5 because it keeped me entertained and there was nothing bad about it.
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