Zombies vs Unicorns
Author: Holly Black
Genre: Comedy
Zombies vs Unicorns is an epic battle between good and evil. While Zombies roam the earth looking for flesh and guts to eat and Unicorns the mythical creature that watches over us, they have yet to battle in a win or death battle until this book. All of the fighting, preparing and scouting that is done has all lead up to a battle of death, will the Unicorns prevail or die trying.
What I liked about the book: I liked how it was interesting to read and some parts were funny.
What I disliked about the book: I didn’t really dislike anything about the book than purely it was way too long (403 pages).
Recommendation: I would recommend it for anyone and would give it a ⅘ because it was an alright book but wasn’t good enough for a 5.
Was there any other character in the book?