Thursday, 26 May 2016

Geronimo Stilton- The curse of the cheese Pyramid

Geronimo Stilton and The Curse of the cheese pyramid

Author- Elisabetta Dami

Genre- Adventure, Non-fiction, Thriller

This is my 4th  book review on Geronimo Stilton and The curse of the cheese pyramid.
Image result for geronimo stilton books curse of the cheese pyramidThe characters are Geronimo, Thea, Benjamin, Trap and Grandfather William who turns out to be bad and is Stilton’s Grandfather. His grandfather is trying to get more money so that’s why he is selling things that are important too because Thea, Trap, Geronimo and Benjamin and Williams run a newspaper. Grandfather William tries to earn money so he can send Geronimo over because he doesn’t like him being the hero all the time. But all Stilton’s friends don’t know that William is sending him there to the Cheese pyramid because it's cursed and whoever goes there dies and there are the dead mummies are with their organs out. Grandfather William tried to send him there but he knew his plan and had to kill him. So Geronimo sent him in a plane tied up and he never came back.

I enjoyed the part when William was about to send Geronimo but Geronimo had a smart plan and sent William in a rusty plane and they crashed instead.

I didn’t hate anything from this book.

I rate this book a ⅘

I wonder if William is still alive or is he dead?

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