Thursday, 17 March 2016

Magic Finger

Magic Finger
Author- Roald dahl
Genre- Fantasy 

There is this girl and she has a magic finger and whenever she gets angry her face goes bright red and her finger starts to tingle. She points her finger at that person and they turn into something she does it to her teacher and she started growing black big long  whiskers on her face and a huge bushy tail.  That afternoon she did the same to her next door neighbours but since they shoot ducks and use them for a pie she turn her neighbours into ducks. Once they learned what's it's like to be a duck and they would stop killing them they turn back to normal and they stopped killing ducks and started making eating apple pies and they even made a farm.

I liked how everything worked out in the end and the neighbors didn't give up.

There was nothing I didn't like about It.

I would recommend it for someone who like Roald dahl book and I rated it 4/5 I think its a really good book

Image result for magic finger

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