Sunday, 20 March 2016

Paul Jennings Unreal!

Title: Paul Jennings Unreal!
Author: Paul Jennings
Genre: Mystery/funny/disgusting 
Synopsis in your words: Dead flies were falling from the sky like rain. "I'm drowning in a sea of flies, HELP!"
I put on the see through lipstick, then a forty year old approached me and kissed me, a teenager. Gross!
What I liked was the funny disgusting parts like a forty year old kissed a teenager, and the smell of the manure made everyone's hair come off.
I liked everything it is an awesome book. The book has a lot of short stories, I would recommend it for people that like gross and mysterious things.
Personally I would rate it  5/5.

1 comment:

  1. Paul Jennings is great! Do you think this would make a great movie?
