Title - The gizmo
Author - Paul Jennings
Genre - Non fiction
There is a boy named Floggit and I think you can tell what he does by his name but if you don’t know he steals things. Floggit he's trying to get a boy from his school to steal a gizmo from the fair. The boy is nervous and feels sick because he has never stolen anything and he only said yes to act like he was tough. When he stole the gizmo it payed him back because it was stuck with him until Floggiot stole it and then Floggit had it stuck with him.
I would recommend this book a 4/5
What I liked about the story
One of the things that I like about the story is that it is an interesting book and funnyish book to read but most Paul Jennings books are interesting and funny
What I didn’t like about the story
One thing that I didn't like about the book was that in one part it just goes on to much because It just goes the gizmo beeped and then it beeped again and it just goes on and it gets boring.
Remember fiction is a made up story, non-fiction is factual.