Genre: Horror / Action
In the world, there are vampires and other monsters close to this name. A vampaneze is a type of vampire but it kills it’s prey instead of taking a little bit of blood like the vampire clan. Darren Shan is a vampire prince destined to kill Steve Leopard the Lord of the Shadows who controls an army of vampanezes. Mr Tiny is the man who controls how destiny works, he can see into the future and seems to be hiding something. His real name is Desmond Tiny, and when shortened spells Des-tiny.
Steve ends up forcing Darren to meet up with his sister to prevent his nephew from killing human for blood. Darius is the name, and Steve was his father who had blood him to become a half vampaneze like himself. But the sister thinks Darren is dead after seeing his neck snap only days after Darren became a vampire at a young age. While they were visiting, they noticed that the football stadium was surrounded by policeman all over. Vancha, Evanna, Alice, and Darron figured Steve was involved. Steve had taken control over the cirque du freak while the circus was camping on the field. There was no chance that they would survive an attack from both vampanezes and police. This was it, when Steve or Darren was to die and takeover the world, as the prophecy says. Either way, humanity is going to fall in slavery, or the end of the world. So it seems that the two’s fate are sealed. But what if there was a way to avoid it, what if Darren could trick destiny into going one way rather than another. Everything is up to what Darren does next, will he become the new lord of the shadows, or become dead and everything as well?
I quite enjoyed how everything was going towards what happened if Darren was to die or not. The end was pretty interesting but I don’t want to spoil it so I’ll leave it.
I didn’t like how I ended up reading the finale of Darren Shan. I always end up choosing a book that is ended up being the end of the book series.
Rating - 5 / 5 just because I like every moment about it.
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