Title - tom gates - Excellent excuses (and other good stuff)
Author - L.Pichon
Genre - Fiction
Tom - Tom is Delia's brother and he is also in a band called DOG ZOMBIES
Delia - Delia is tom’s sister
Mr fullerman - Mr fullerman is tom’s teacher
Marcus meldrew - Tom finds him really annoying.
Derek - toms best mate and Neighbour
It is the last day of term and Mr fuller man has still got his gold star sticker chart and tom is finding it a bit hard to earn gold stars.
Tom has woken up one morning and he has remembered something, Tom has remembered that there is NO SCHOOL FOR TWO WEEKS!. So tom has come up with all these ways to annoy Delia like: Inventing new ways to annoy her and drawing pictures of her.
Tom has band practise with for DOG ZOMBIES with his best friend Derek, they are planning a sleepover and when they do this they find it really easy because they are neighbours so they stand at the window yelling at each other. And one reason tom likes going there s because Derek doesn't have an annoying sister bust he has a dog called Rooster. But sometimes Rooster can be as annoying as Delia because he won't shut up so Derek throws a doggy treat at him.
Delia was poking her head round the door and said that tom had to go to there mum, when to made it to the kitchen she was holding a letter from school and tom was trying to remember if he had done anything that would get him in trouble. But he couldn't think of anything so he presumed that he was innocent, but that's not what the look on his mum's face looked like. Then the words came out of her mouth WHAT DO YOU HAVE TO SAY FOR YOURSELF? Then she gave tom the letter and it all came back to him he wasn't in trouble he just had to re do his homework due to what happened and the last day of term.
Tom sat down and his parents said that he could not go to Derek's until he had done his homework so he sat down in his room and his mind was BLANK then he came up with an idea and he showed it to his parents and they aid he had to do it again because it wasn't good enough. So his dad bribed him with caramel wafers and he said you can take these to Derek's when you have finished. Finally Tom finished so he went to derek's but he forgot the most important thing HIS GUITAR and his special teddy but Tom didn’t tell Derek about his special teddy because they said that they were getting a bit babyish, Tom buzzed home and got his teddy and Guitar.
When the two week holiday was up they were back at school and someone called Marcus Meldrew has been cheating on Mr fullermans gold star chart, he came to school with his own gold stars and he had been putting them on but them he got BUSTED. So Mr and Mrs Meldrew got a letter about what Marcus had done and as a punishment he had to miss 3 playtimes and spend them in the library with Miss Paige. Because Marcuse was cheating all of his stars were removed which meant that tom was only 2 stars away from Amy porter who is in the lead. So if tom gets 4 or more merits on this homework he will be in the lead but… Mr fuller man is taken ages to mark Toms homework and then he doesn't give it back, when he gave it back he said there is a bit of a problem, Mr fullerman had spit his coffee but luckily it had missed tom's homework but he said please make sure you hand your homework in on time in the future.
I would rate this book a 4/5 because it is a funny and interesting book to read.
One thing I liked is that it doesn't just trail on because when books just trail on they get really boring and then you can't be bothered reading the rest of the book
One thing I didn’t like This was a good book and there isn’t really anything that made me not like the book.