Friday, 17 June 2016

Armouron The caged griffin

Armouron The caged griffin
Richard Dungworth
Rating ⅗
Book Review 6/20

Characters=Stamper,Rake,Salt,Hoax,General Decimal,Tea-leaf,Oddball,snow

There are a group of gladiators they join forces to take out General Decimal and his robots. to stop evil. The group of gladiators start  in an arena and the battle monsters like griffins, giant toads and armored ghosts. After they got out of the arena the warriors  posted an application form in the town of Nutopian five hundred  people tried to get in. they work extremely hard and not to get eliminated until there was only twelve left. The final trial was to fight and kill a Griffin. The Griffin  was found in the under Nutopian in the tunnels the found out that the flamethrower was the strongest thing agentes the griffin it took a while to kill  but when they did it was amazing,It exploded into A big blob of goo the smelt like pig guts. when It died  it’s goo blocked the exit and they had to make another tunnel they used explosives and lasers to make the tunnel. The tunnel was two miles long and five meters wide when the got out of the radius of the goo they planted sticky bombs on the top and the made one big hole leading to the surface. it was close to there base and the had to call a ship to come and pick them up. Read the books in the series to find out how fight General Decimal.


  1. Congrats JJ, one more book to go.

  2. Fantastic book review Jaiden!! The way you wrote this book review really made me want to read it the book What did you like / dislike about this book?
