Wednesday, 22 June 2016

The Magic Finger

Title - The Magic Finger
Author - Roald Dahl
Genre -

  • A little girl
  • Phillip Gregg
  • William Gregg
  • Mr Gregg
  • Mrs Gregg
  • 4 ducks

This book is about a little girl how has a finger that has a spell that she can use when she is angry and will point it at you and you will turn into some sort of animal, one time she got angry at her teacher because she could not spell and she turned her teacher into a cat, her teacher had whiskers and I big bushy tail.

On day a little girl saw her neighbours the Gregg family hunting and they came back with a young little deer and the little girl saw red and the end of her finger was tingling and she put the magic finger on the whole of the Gregg family. On morning the Gregg woke up and they had wings on and they were the same size as a duck, they went outside and started to fly around, then they realised that they had locked themselves out and could not get back into the house, so they had to make a nest and sleep in a nest for three nights in a row. On the morning of the third night the little girl that put the magic finger upon the Gregg family took the spell of them and they could finally get back into their house, then the little girl promised them to never put the magic finger upon anyone anywhere never ever ever again.


  1. Great work Cooper, but the synopsis needs some work on because there are some spelling mistakes.

  2. Cool book review Cooper!! I think you need to work on proof-reading your work to make sure that there are no spelling mistakes! My question to you is, does the little girl do something in order to get the magic finger or was she born with it?

  3. That might be a good book. Cooper you need to proof read your synopsis because there are spelling mistakes.

  4. Cooper just check over your synonymous, so their are no mistakes.

  5. Sounds like an awesome book bu you needed to proof read your review there are a few areas that don't make sense. What made the little girl mad and turn the Greggs into a duck? I wonder why she turned the Greggs back in the end did she somehow get persuaded?
