Title - Greta the Garbo
Author - Irena Sibley
Genre - fiction
Greta is a girl that collects junk, but she only collects metal junk like - rusty cans, shiney tins, bent spoons, blunt knives and all sorts of other things. Both of Greta's parents were tidy people because her mum is an environmentalist and she likes things natural and unspoilt, and her dad was a librarian and he like things neat and tidy but Greta was very different to her parents. When the holidays arrived greta had been making lots of different sculptures out of shiny cans and she put some things on the kitchen table and others in the lounge. Then Greta went to the park with her mum and had a thought because all of the trees were going to die and the next morning greta started creating her invention, and when she had finished everyone at the park clapped and cheered.
I would rate this book a 2/5 because it is not a book that I like and I would probley never read the book again
One thing I liked about this book
There was nothing in the book that caught my eye
One thing i didn’t like about the book
It is a very boring and not that interesting book to read because it kind of just goes on and on
Awesome, I wonder why Greta likes to make statues and stuff out of garbage and what Greta made in the park.
ReplyDeleteGreat book review Megan!! I wonder why Greta likes junk! Why isn't she like her parents? Is there a reason why she likes dirty, rusty things?
ReplyDeleteI won't read that book again. By the way what did she make at the park, that was worth an applause.
ReplyDeleteI wonder why the trees in the park were dying? And I wonder what inspired Greta to collect junk?
ReplyDeleteI wonder why the trees in the park were dying? And I wonder what inspired Greta to collect junk?
ReplyDeleteGood book review Megan I wonder why she likes junk.?