Title- Arohanui Revenge Of The Fey
Author- Helen Pearse-Otene and Andrew Burdan
Genre- Graphic Novel
Settings-Village, mountain,barren nothing growing.
Characters- Kahu,Mira,Parekoi,Parahe
The story starts in a village with the characters: Kahu who is the son of Parekoi Mira is Kahu's sister Parekoi Is the chief of the village Parahe is a man who is dangerous. Their people are starving and they go to Parahe's land.
Parekoi is a brave chief he was looking at all the land of these dried up his people were starving. He went to Parahe for the mauri stone, Parahe is a man that is bad and is strong too. He said that he will only give the mauri stone for something in exchange. Then Parekoi said that he will give his first child to Parahe, Then Parahe said deal then Parekoi went with the mauri stone.
He made it heal his land and his people could all have food and better place to live in. Then Kahu and Mira were born and Mira was always competitive she used to always fight with Kahu. Kahu was a skinny boy that did not do much, then Parahe came and said that we made a deal and started to fight with Parekoi then Parahe got Kahu and almost went but Parekoi said take me instead and he did.
I liked how they used descriptive words.
I didn't like how it was set.
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