Felix and the red rats.
David ( a young boy around 12 ) has just found out that his great uncle Felix is coming to visit. His great uncle used to be an author and would write fiction books about a world he made up called Axillaris.
Not long after David’s great uncle Felix comes to visit Everything mysteriously starts turning red! Things like hair,cats, rats even people!
David starts to wonder why everything is starting to turn red. Is it because of his Uncle felix? Is all of this chaos starting because of him? Or is all of this having to do more with the strange world of Axillaris.
David and the red rat's uses a very cool component in the book where it puts reality and fantasy together.
Because it uses this idea of getting two different genres and putting them together makes the book a lot more better.
I rate this book a 4/5
I like the genre crossover in the book.
There was nothing I disliked.
Great book review Jason. All you needed to add was a picture of the book and some extra detail about the characters.