Tuesday, 20 September 2016

Arohanui revenge of the fey

Title: Arohanui revenge of the fey
Author: Helen Pearse
Genre: graphic novel


Parekoi chief of kaitipua went searching in a forest to try to find tamar chief of the parehe because he was the one with the mauri stone. With this stone you can regenerate al life to the land but you have to burry it in the land for it to work. The people needed it because they were dying of starvation they made a deal the first born child for the stone the chief agreed to this many years later tamar came back for the child the chief said to take him instead. The next day the chief’s son kauri was playing in the forest  when he saw a prehe she was the daughter of tamar and immediately they fell in love they went to the mountains to get married but his sister pulls out weapons and starts to kill the parehe  then her brother gets in the way and is going to fight but the mountain let out a huge roar and cracked she fell in and ever since that day the humans and parehe lived in peace.

I would rate this book a ⅖ because i did not really like the story of it and the ending wasn't good for me.

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