Title - MEARIKI the quest for truth
Author - Helen Pearse - otene and Andrew Burdan
Genre - Comic / graphic novel
All the kids and families were playing around in the village of Kuwi. Hineamura’s father watch her walking away from all the fun with her love pehi, he didn’t like it so he sent her servant Mearki to get her. When Maerki saw Hineamura and Pehi she said “your father he wants you” but Hineamura didn’t care about what her father wanted she just said that it was hot and they are going to the river so they can cool off. Pehi told Meaeki to back off but he said it in a mean way and hurt Maerki’s feelings but Pehi didn’t like being told that he said “slaves don’t feel they work”. Hineamura told Meaiki to go back to the village and that she would see her at the fireside.
While all of that was happening by the river at the village Tanekikiwa had come to the other side that he doesn't live on, Te Mihiau and the rest of the village didn’t like Tanekikiwa’s black magic. Then Te Mihiau asked Tanekikiwa what he wanted and his reply was “My Betrothed of course that's all”. But Chief said GO AWAY she's NOT here! But Tanekikiwa could smell the scent. But Pehi and Mearki were still having an argument at the river they were calling each other crayfish heads and frty breaths before Hineamura had had enough, she told Pehi that she loves Meariki as a little sister, but when she marries she will leave Meariki Behind.
While Hineamura was swimming in the river the hawke came over and swooped her up, Meariki and Pahi tried yelling the hawke to stop and they started running after it but it was too late. The bird had already flown away with Hineamura in its claws. Meariki and Pahi didn’t stop searching they made it to a forest after a few days they then found Hineamura but then Meariki died she had no breath and no heartbeat.
I would rate this book a 4 / 5 because I found it way better than the other one we read
One thing I liked was that it was a lot more interesting
One thing I didn’t like was that in some parts it dragged on
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